Scottish dialect - a non-Scot's guide Part 1

We have a lot of fun talking to customers about the products in our Scottish dialect range, particularly those who are not from Scotland! Hilarity ensues when their non-Scottish friends and family try to pronounce them ...
As an English person who moved to Scotland over 30 years ago, it took Rachael years to get to grips with a lot of these (in the interests of full disclosure, she admits that bafflement still reigns in places), so here is a handy guide ...
... and no, she will not agree to any requests for demonstrations of pronunciation, having been accused of doing the worst Scottish accent ever!
So, let's start at the very beginning (you all know the song!) and get going with A's and B's ...
Away an bile yer heid
Literal translation : Go and boil your head
Meaning : Go away (slightly impolite but not too rude - don't worry, there's plenty of that coming up in a later blog!)
Currently available as a coaster or a keyring
Away wi' the fairies
Literal translation : Away with the fairies
Meaning : In a dreamworld, out of touch with reality
Currently available as a coaster - keyring coming soon!
Aye right
Literal translation : Yes yes
Meaning : No (really!)
This is a famous example of Scottish sarcasm - two positives make a negative!
Currently available as a coaster - keyring coming soon!
Literal translation : Ball bag
Meaning : Where a gentleman keeps his testicles ("baws") - used as an affectionate insult or to describe a miscreant, e.g. ya wee bawbag!
Available as a coaster, keyring, mug, fridge magnet and bottle opener